Newly Renovated Building in King-Lincoln District
Photo by Ariel King
OHIO - The Theresa Building located just miles away from Downtown, Columbus, Ohio, is a unique, historical building that enriches numerous moments of Oo's and Aah's the minute a new footstep saunters through its doors.
An interesting fact of the building’s history is the association with the Great Migration during the period of the 1920s, Ohio History Connection. The Great Migration was the relocating of more than six million African Americans from the rural South to the cities of the North, Midwest, and West from 1916 to 1970 that had a huge impact on urban life in the United States. And as of today the Theresa Building is the last known professional office building developed by African Americans during the period of the Great Migration.
In the year of 1925, the building opened up and was initially announced by Dr. Booker W. Harris, who was formerly associated in the practice of dentistry. By the early 1930s the building was known as an equidistant for business on Long Street including businesses of doctors, pharmacists’, realtors, dentists, an insurance company, and café.
The building was beautifully constructed by entrepreneurs, Ruby Williams and James Albert "Al" Jackson and also designed by Architect, George W. Abernathy in the early 1920s. In honor of Albert Jackson’s wife, Theresa Jackson, the building received its name in a common tradition to the area.
As of today, Georgetta Lake has partnered with C.E.O of Woods Development Group, LLC., Michael Woods, in the buildings newly renovated property adding three new businesses to the building: Long Street Business Association, Arch City Development, and Urban Decision Group. This is a shift they hope will bring inspiration and increase greater development within the community.
The second floor is designed with a breath-taking lobby granted with a sky view that are filled with offices currently homes to half a dozen new businesses and retail tenants.
Photos by Michael Woods
Located up top on the second floor are conference rooms, a kitchenette, media outlets, and office suites. As the first floor suites have a live street view off of East Long street.
And as of today, the community is excited about the new developments that are currently in process.
Stay tuned for more monthly blogs from Woods Development Group, LLC.
Click here to view the Theresa Building website.